
We long to abide in Christ together, to proclaim all of Christ for all of life.

We desire to see Jesus treasured above all else, receiving a unique and particular glory through our church, to the end that the Magic City and the world might be renewed by the power of the Gospel.


We believe that we're called to worship the triune God by living together as a family of Christ-followers who are sent to celebrate and declare the gospel in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and to the ends of the earth.

Core Convictions: 

1) The Word Does the Work (An Approach To Gathered Worship)

We believe that Lord — by his Word and by his Spirit — forms us afresh and acts upon us, each Sunday. There is no church without the Word. The church is a “creature of the Word.”

2) Living Stones and Body Parts (The Priesthood of All Believers)

Each member of Christ’s church is called to ministry and a vital part of the body. The role of the pastor is to be a lead equipper and developer of our people’s gifts.

3) Outsiders to Insiders (On Hospitality)

We desire to a be a people who purposefully look for those who are lost, struggling, and lonely that we might extend to them the very welcome of Jesus. We do this because this is precisely what Christ does for us.

4) Devoted to the Fellowship (On Christian Community)

Because we share an intimate bond in Christ, we devote ourselves to one another in ways that our uncomfortable, counter-cultural, inconvenient, not-making-our-lives easier. Over time, we learn that this becomes a source of great joy.

5) Disciples Who Make Disciples (A Vision for Maturity and Multiplications)

Every Christian person is a disciple — a “learner” of the way of Jesus. Christians are also called to be disciple makers. We take interest in each other’s lives. Through a variety of formation opportunities, we seek to grow up into Christ.

6) A Faithful Presence in Our Place (On Being a Sent People)

It’s a theme throughout the Scriptures: the Lord blesses his people so that they can be a blessing to the world. Each week we are the church scattered, dotted across our city as agents of grace, as “salt and light,” offering a sustaining and gracious presence in our world. Not only is this true of Grace members individually, but it is true of us as a corporate body, also. This has implications for evangelism, local and global mission, and ministries of mercy and practical help. We will seek to build partnerships — locally and globally —in order that we might be a conduit for blessing to our world.

7) Wholehearted Leadership (How We Hope to Lead)

We want to be a leadership team who loves to lead our people. Who consider it a joy, knowing that Christ the Good Shepherd. Who believe that Jesus works through jars of clay to do his work. We seek to treasure Jesus ourselves, to receive his grace, so that we might minister it to others.